#1 "X-Abs"
Shape.com promotes this exercise because it targets EVERY ab muscle you have. Lie on your back with arms and legs extended so your body creates an 'X' shape. Inhaling and drawing your bellybutton to the ground, lift legs and hips up and over your head while bringing your upper body and arms up past them. Repeat 20 times.
#2 Twisted Sit-ups
A dance class favorite, these altered sit-ups incorporate your entire abdominal region, including your obliques.
#3 Knee Tuck
Shape.com likes this exercise for it's ability to target your "pooch" area. Start on your back with your knees bent, arms stretched overhead with palms facing the ceiling. Raise hips up and open knees, bringing them into your underarms. Exhale and return to starting position. Do 20 reps.
#4 The Cobra
This yoga pose engages your abs as well as gives you a great stretch! Lie face-down on the ground and place your hands on the ground, then lift your head, neck, shoulders, abs, and finally hips off the ground and hold this stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you look like a cobra then you're doing it right!
#5 The Ballet Twist
Lie on the floor with your legs slightly bent, then raise your torso up and twist to one side. Hold your twist for a few seconds than go back to lying down and repeat on the other side. Do several sets of 15-20 reps.
#6 Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
A great way to balance your core! Get on all fours and then raise your left arm and right leg straight out, hold for a couple seconds then touch your elbow to your knee before placing it back on the ground and switching sides. Do 15-20 reps at a time!
#7 The Pilates Hundred
Here's a great pilates ab exercise: Lie down with your knees raised off the ground and bent. Inhale and raise your hands, head, and shoulders off the ground. Pump your arms up and down 6 inches off the ground, pump 5 times on every inhale and 5 on very exhale until you hit 100. Then get ready to start again!